More About Us
Welcome to the SJNA site, which is for everyone who lives in the St. Johns neighborhood of Portland.
Membership in SJNA is open to all residents 16 years of age and older, property owners, business licensees, and nonprofit organizations located (or performing a significant part of their services) within the boundaries of SJNA and all members of Cathedral Park Neighborhood Association (CPNA), as defined in the bylaws of that association.
SJNA is an all-volunteer organization that exists to enhance the livability of St. Johns by considering and acting on issues that affect the quality of our neighborhood; by providing an open process by which all members may involve themselves in the affairs of the neighborhood; by taking and promoting positions on matters of civic interest; by informing residents of events or plans affecting the neighborhood; and by staying in communication with other organizations that may affect the life of the people of St. Johns.
We strive to be transparent, inclusive and democratic, and so all are welcome.
Please feel free to browse around the site. We also recommend that you click below to be added to our mailing list; we send out a monthly newsletter full of information.Â
Our General Meetings are on the second Monday of each month, and feature guest speakers who represent activities and organizations of interest to St. Johnsians. The SJNA Board meets on the last Wednesday of each month, and anyone may observe the board meetings. We endeavor to have a community event of some sort on the second Mondays of the months with no General Meeting - stay tuned for information on that.