Local Events

Willamette Corridor Work

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St. Johns Meetings

Note: These are fairly current, but we would love your help in correcting any errors. If you find broken links or if you know something is wrong, or should be added, please write to Info@StJohnsPDX.org. Thanks!

Friends of Pier Park

Friends of Pier Park is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that works to enhance Part safety and usability for all park users. They meet monthly on the third Monday at Stormbreakers in St. Johns.



Friends of Baltimore Woods: 

3rd Tuesday of every month, at the BES Water Lab (6543 N. Burlington) at 6:30 pm.




North Portland Land Use Group: 

4th Thursday of every month, at Kenton Firehouse (8105 N Brandon) at 7:00 pm.



Peninsula Optimist Club: 

1st and 3rd Mondays (except holidays), at Christie’s Restaurant (5507 N. Lombard) at 11:30 am.

General public is welcome to attend meetings to learn about the club. 




Portland Harbor Community Advisory Group: 

2nd Wednesday of every month, at BES Water Lab (6543 N. Burlington) at 6:30 pm. Offers a gathering of thoughts on the Superfund. Concerns about the contamination in the Portland Harbor Superfund? Join the community to meet with the agencies in charge. Meetings include informational presentations, opportunity to render your opinion and meet agency leaders in charge of clean up.



St. Johns Business Boosters: 

3rd Wednesday of every month, at various locations at 7:15 a.m.





Cathedral Park Neighborhood Association: 

All meetings are at 7:00 pm on the 2nd Tuesday of every month, at the BES Water Lab (6543 N. Burlington).  

Board Meetings are on the 1st Tuesday of every month at 6:00 pm at Occidental Wursthaus (6635 N. Burlington). 



Linnton Neighborhood Association: 

1st Wednesday of odd months, at the Linton Community Center (10614 NW St. Helens Rd.) at 7:00 pm.


Portsmouth Neighborhood Association:

1st Tuesday of every month, Peninsula Odd Fellows (4834 N Lombard.) at 6:30 pm.



University Park Neighborhood Association

4th Monday (in January, April, July & October) at the Chiles Center at University of Portland (5000 N. Willamette Blvd) at 7:00 pm

