Meetings and Minutes


The St. Johns Neighborhood Association regularly holds two meetings each month: a General Meeting for all members, and a Board Meeting. All meetings are open to the public, and all meetings start at 7:00 PM and run until about 8:30, except as noted. Meetings are online or hybrid - please check the calendar to find out. 

General Meetings are held the second Monday of every month, and Board meetings are held the last Wednesday of every month. There may be exceptions because of holidays or other reasons, so please check the calendar.

For the moment, we are holding hybrid meetings, on Zoom. In order to reach more parts of St. Johns better, we are rotating meetings among different parts of the neighborhood. Check the calendar and our newsletter for the most current information. 

You can find the meeting schedule on the Calendar, as well as scheduled block parties, NET meetings, and occasional other events of interest to the whole community.

Previous meetings

If you would like to know what people in St. Johns were thinking about in prior years, you can download minutes, agendas and presentations from previous general meetings by clicking on the corresponding dates.

There are some gaps in older years but generally these are complete.


Board meetings are open to any person and all who may wish to observe. Only board members will be eligible to vote. All meeting minutes will be made publicly available and the last almost three years Board Minutes are available below.



Special meetings of the membership may be called by a majority vote of the Board of Directors as deemed necessary. Notification and purpose(s) of the special meeting require seven (7) days advance notice.

SJNA shall follow Roberts Rules of Order (Revised) in all areas.